Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Coney Island

As a goodbye lunch with Garrett and Bonnie, we celebrated by knocking another restaurant off my bucket list...Coney Island!

I was a bit overwhelmed with my lunch options but ultimately decided on the classic coney and chili cheese fries. Now, I think I should go for a run and not eat again until tomorrow.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Where's The Pause Button?

It's finally hit me. This is the last week of classes then ill be graduating and going into the real world. It's a bit surreal and several emotions are stirred up when I think about this next phase of my life. I would probably be more excited if I had a job and if every person I talked to didn't say "oh you're going to miss college so much; soak it up."

I'm not done soaking it up. School work got in the way. Can't I have a couple more weeks? I hope time creeps by these next two weeks. I want to soak in my youth a little longer. Before I know it ill have grey hair and wrinkles. Life is moving too fast. I need a pause button.

Monday, April 18, 2011

"Let's Jump In The Fountain"

Today was the day. After expressing my desire to jump in the fountain before I graduate, the girls of the communications team of the OSU Library jumped in the fountain. Garrett, of course, captured the moment. It was everything I dreamed of...cold, shallow and oh so fun! If only it was warmer and I had my swim suit, I would have swam or sat in the fountain bowl.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


After four years of living in Stillwater, I finally own an Eskimo Joe's shirt! I know it's pathetic. Even the woman selling me the shirt told me so. Well, not really but you should have seen the look on her face when I told her I was a senior at OSU and didn't own an Eskimo Joe's shirt. It was on bucket list and now I can proudly check it off.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thunder Game Off the List

Thanks to my co-worker and friend Caitlin, I was invited to attend the Thunder game last night with OSU's Sports Media Club and Association for Women In Sports Media. Fun night and another item on my list can get scratched off!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

UPDATE: Stillwater Bucket List

1. Eat at Sirloin Stockade
2. Eat at Tokyo Pot
3. Eat at Bagel Cafe
4. Eat at Curly's
5. Eat at Coney Island
6. Jump in the fountain in front of the Edmon Low Library
7. Go to Lake Carl Blackwell
8. Visit Tulsa aquarium...not in Stillwater but Stillwater doesn't have an aquarium.
9. Go to an OKC Thunder game
10. Go to Stonewall
11. Buy an Eskimo Joe's Shirt
12. Eat at Red Rock
13. Eat something better at Red Rock
14. Visit the top of the bell tower of the Edmon Low Library

...With 3.5 weeks left until I leave Stillwater, I really need to pick it up. I may have to prioritize this list...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011

Dallas Friends

This weekend, I came back to Dallas and got the chance to catch up with some of my high school friends. I really loved catching up with them. It was amazing how easily we were able to get right back in the swing of things even though I haven't seen them in a while.

I love having friends like that who remind me who I am and where I came from. My high school friends helped shape the person I am today and when I get together with them I feel 16 all over again. We laugh about the silly things in life, spill the drama that's in our life and get advice from one another. I feel blessed to have true friends that have my back and know the type of person I truly am. I hope you all are just as lucky as I am.

Meeting my friends tonight was a great ending to my awesome day.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Interview Season

As my job hunt is in full swing, so is "interview season." I'm beginning to prepare for future interviews and recently had a rehearsal with my boss Bonnie on a couple possible interview questions I could be asked. Some were quite a stumper like, “Describe the last time you put you ‘foot in your mouth’" or "what areas of professional development are you most interested in pursuing."

I would love to get your input on possible interview questions. What’s the hardest question you have come across? What were really good questions you’ve been asked? How can I really impress the interviewer? What are good techniques to prepare for an interview? Also, do you think suits are a requirement, specifically, is it necessary if you know the place of employment is laid back?

I've had a few interviews in my day, but any and all advice and tips I can get are really appreciated. You can never over-prepare!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Opening Positions for Guest Bloggers

As the thirty day blogging challenge is beginning to get more difficult due to a lack of content ideas mixed with an increase in school projects and a busy schedule, I came up with a fantastic idea. After begging my boyfriend to blog for me I knew what I should do... have guest bloggers!

I'm officially opening applications for guest bloggers. You can blog about anything you want; just send me your name and email address and we will work out the day for you to blog. You see, everyone can get something out of this. My blog will still have 30 blog posts in 30 days and you will get the chance to show off your blogging skills. Feel free to use this opportunity to showcase your blog or to use it as practice. Whatever floats your boat. Let the applications pour in!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Front Porch View

I'm too tired to post about my exhausting and fun weekend. Hope you enjoy this view from the front porch of our cabin. You don't see trees like this in Stillwater or Dallas. Surprisingly, these are from SE Oklahoma.

Friday, April 1, 2011

I've Arrived

...In SE Oklahoma! I'm spending my weekend in Broken Bow, Oklahoma for my roommate's wedding shower and bachelorette party. This should be a fun time. Let the good times roll.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Batter Up!

Well I posted this blog entry on my phone but apparently it didn't post so let's try this again...

It's Opening Day and words can't describe how excited I am. My love of baseball is due in part to being my dad's daughter. He played baseball since he was a kid and went on to play at Texas Tech University. He also coached my younger brother's little league team. So as long as I can remember, baseball has been a part of my family's lives. Despite my brother playing baseball, my love for the sport was greater than his.

As a kid I begged my dad to take me to games, where he then forced me to watch every single play in fear that I wouldn't pay attention and get hit by a btall. Surprisingly, I gladly watched every batter.

To this day I still beg my dad to take me to games and love sitting on the couch with him for hours on end to watch a game. I guess its our way of bonding. So, bring on the hot dogs and garlic fries and take me out to the ball game. I've been waiting for this day since the last out of the 2010 world series. Go Rangers!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Online Shopping

For those of you who know me, it's no secret that I can’t stand absolutely hate to online shop. In fact, there is probably nothing more awful in the world to me than online shopping. For those of you who don’t know me, you’re probably shocked to read this, and you’re thinking someone my age should be comfortable with online shopping and that I rely on the Internet. Sorry, but no. Not true. I hate online shopping.

Online shopping gives me anxiety because I don’t trust what I see online and fear that whatever I buy is either a)not going to be delivered at all OR b) is not going to come to the way I ordered it. What’s worse is that while most online shopping allows you to return your purchases, it doesn’t pay for your shipping. So there goes at least $5-10 down the drain. Ridiculous.

My version of “online shopping” is searching my favorite stores to see what they have out and then going to the store to try it on and purchase. I just don’t see what the big whoop is about online shopping. Yea, you can find coupons online and possibly save money, but if it’s going to cause me anxiety then forget it. I rather spend $3 more in the store.

In my entire 21.5 years of life, I believe I’ve online shopped a whopping total of three times. The first time is what I like to refer to as the “watch incident.” Long story short, it was a mess and I ended up canceling my order and buying my watch at Macy’s. The other time was this past Christmas and was another watch purchase. The watch’s face didn’t come in the color I was expecting but all was OK and I kept the watch. The third incident was tonight, which is why I bring up this subject. I ordered a Dell laptop battery from ebay because I didn’t want to fork over $150 for a real Dell battery. Let’s hope this comes in one piece and isn’t pure junk. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Quotable Cards

One of my favorite decorations in my house is my framed quotable cards collage. It may sound a bit lame but I love it and get many complements on it. I have it hanging in my bathroom where I look at it daily, and when I'm having a rough day or seem to be stressing, these quotes make for great inspiration and a quick mood lifter. Some of my favorite can be found below. Enjoy.

"Friendship is when people know all about you but like you anyway." -anonymous

"If you're going through hell, keep going." -Winston Churchill

"Fall in love or fall in hate. Get inspired or be depressed. Ace a test or funk a class. Make babies or make art. Speak the truth or lie and cheat. Dance on tables or sit in the corner. Life is divine chaos. Embrace it. Forgive yourself. Breathe. And enjoy the ride..." -Solbeam

Monday, March 28, 2011

Hello Senioritis

It's official. Senioritis has arrived. Want to know how I know?...I have three tests this week (two of which are tomorrow) and a group project due next week, and I'm not in panic mode. Normally I'd be running around with my head cut-off, stressing to the max and bothering my group members, BUT not this time.

I think it's pretty normal for senioritis to kick in. In fact, I'm pretty proud of myself for hanging on to my motivation this long. With 35 days until finals week, I think it's acceptable for me to feel this way. Many friends have had senioritis since last year, so I feel pretty blessed to have made it this far.

Unfortunately, I STILL have 35 days left until finals week and somehow need to pull my act together because I have several tests left, three major projects due, work to finish and jobs to search for. Come on, motivation! Kick it up a notch!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Crazy for Crepes

My new Sunday night TV show is NBC's America's Next Greatest Restaurant. I love that it gives everyday individuals the chance to own their own restaurants in three major U.S. cities. From Italian meatballs to soul food, all the contestants have unique restaurant ideas. In fact, their ideas and motivation have sparked a unique idea in myself and my boyfriend, Matt.

After watching the show one Sunday, we discussed our interests in owning our own restaurant one day and put our heads together to create, what we think, would be a winning concept. Our concept is to have a crepe restaurant. It would be like Subway or Chipotle, but with crepes. Any crepe you could think up, we could whip up. From turkey or spinach crepes to fruit or ice cream crepes, our restaurant would cater to all taste buds. You could eat our crepes for lunch, dinner or dessert.

While the name of the restaurant is undecided, the concept is pretty much settled. We hope that one day this concept will be more than an idea and become a reality.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

What I Desire

This Lenten season is like every other, in the fact that I gave up sweets/desserts. It may be uncommon for someone to give up the same thing every year, but you must understand my love of sweets. I have sweets on a daily basis. I crave sweets. I gotta have sweets. I LOVE SWEETS! It's been 17 days since the first day of Lent and I'm starting to really crave all kinds of sweets.

Things I want but can't have...

via Flickr from roboppy

via Flickr from Jordana Lea

via Flickr from mfalletti08

Friday, March 25, 2011

Stillwater Bucket List

1. Eat at Sirlion Stockade
2. Eat at Tokyo Pot
3. Eat at Bagel Cafe
4. Eat at Curlys
5. Eat at Coney Island
6. Jump in the fountain in front of the Edmon Low Library
7. Go to Lake Carl Blackwell
8. Visit Tulsa aquarium...not in Stillwater but Stillwater doesn't have an aquarium.

...if anyone has any suggestions that I should add to my list, I'm all ears.

Day 4 Defeats Me

“A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits.”
- Richard M. Nixon

Well, it looks like I forgot to blog yesterday, which means I didn't technically follow the rules of the 30 day blogging challenge. Despite this, I will continue to push on and will still have 30 blogs by the end of the 30 days. I will not quit.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Two Off the Bucket List

Besides starting my blog and job searching, this week has been an exciting one for me. Graduating this May has caused me to realize how I have not experienced all that Stillwater has to offer. This, in return, has forced me to create a "Stillwater Bucket List." Tomorrow, I will share what exactly is on that list, but I am excited to share that this week I was able to cross off two items on this list.

1. Eat at Red Red

2. Visit the top of the bell tower of the Edmon Low Library

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Last Spring Break

Last week was the last spring break of my life. (Pause. Big sigh.) It was a crazy week to say the least, as I went to visit my friend in Bethlehem, PA, where she attends Lehigh University. Bethlehem is a perfect college town. It's an hour away from Philadelphia and an hour away from NYC. My little eyes were exposed to so much, as I saw all three cities and some in between! Here's some pictures from my trip...

Carlo's Bake Shop off of TLC's Cake Boss in Hoboken, NJ

Times Square

Cheese steak place in Philly

Now that spring break has officially ended, it's time for the real work to begin. Job hunting. With that said, if anyone knows of an opening position in Dallas dealing with public relations or account service for advertising, please let me know. My resume is ready for your viewing pleasure. Thank you in advance.

Monday, March 21, 2011

1 of 30

Welcome to my blog. I've officially been challenged to blog for 30 days straight. While I've been up to challenge before, I failed at day one. This time will be different. How can I tell? Because this time I've gone as far as to CREATE a blog.

The biggest hurdle is coming up with a name and topic. It took me most of the day to decide on one. Several ideas came to me but none seemed quite right. Should I have a cooking/baking blog?...No, I'm not looking to gain 30 pounds over this challenge. What about the happenings in Stillwater, Okla?...Nope, not much happens here. These uncreative ideas discouraged me, until my boss, Bonnie, said "Just name it 'To Be Determined' for now and change it later." This lit a spark in me. The name was perfect!

This blog name isn't going to be temporary it's permanent and it fits what I'm going through now. As a senior in college, my life up til now was pretty much planned for me. Four years ago, I graduated high school and knew I was going to college because my parents said so. Now, four years later, I'm coming to the end of my college education and am going out into the "real world." As much as I'm trying to avoid it and pretend it won't happen, it's inevitable. With no current job after graduation, when people ask me about my plans, all I can say is "to be determined."